Chakra Healing -

Chakra Healing

The word “Chakra” is derived from Sanskrit word means ‘wheel’ or ‘turning’. As per Wikipedia, Chakra is center of Prana, life or vital energy. Chakras correspond to vital points in the physical body i.e. major plexuses of arteries, veins and nerves. Texts and teachings present different numbers of chakras. Mainly, there are seven types of chakras and it carries the colour of rainbow spectrum.

The Seven main Chakras of the human body are:

a) Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

b) Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

c) Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

d) Heart Chakra (Anahata)

e) Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

f) Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)

g) Base/Root Chakra (Muladhara)

Function of Chakras:


Each Chakra is associated with a particular part of the body and gland.  When the chakras are balanced and energy is flowing freely, a sense of physical well-being is achieved.


When the physical body is in a state of well being, the mind is at ease.  When chakras are balanced and energy is flowing freely, a state of mental clarity is attained.


When the chakras are balanced and energy is flowing freely, our energetic vibration rate rises, allowing us to experience more of our true divine nature and connection with the sea of Universal Life energy that permeates all things.

Why Chakras get blocked?

Chakras get blocked mainly due to emotional and mental disorder in the physical body. Due to this different type of imbalance in human body takes with which each chakra is associated. With each chakra negative associations are attached due to which we face gland and organs related problem in our body. 

a) Crown Chakra (Top of the head)

Colour: Violet/White

Association: Frustration, lack of self-oneness, destructive thoughts.

Health Issues: Brain, cerebral cortex, pituitary gland, pineal gland, nervous system & glands.

b) Third Eye Chakra (Centre of Forehead)

Colour: Indigo blue

Association: Lack of concentration, clarity, fear of succeeding

Health Issues: Sinuses, ears & eyes

c) Throat Chakra (Throat area)

Colour: Light blue

Association: Dishonesty, communication difficulty, unbalanced, not centered

Health Issues: Thyroid gland, parathyroid, larynx, throat, tongue, mouth & teeth.

d) Heart Chakra (chest area)

Colour: Green

Association: Unworthiness, selfishness, guilt, lack of love.

Health Issues: thymus gland, lymph glands, lungs, heart & circulatory system, & breasts. Also affects the upper back, shoulders & arms

e) Solar Plexus Chakra (Above naval)

Colour: Yellow/gold

Association: Tension, lack of control, depression.

Health Issues: Stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver, & gall bladder. Also relates to the middle back area.

f) Sacral Chakra (spine in the lower abdomen)

Colour: Orange

Association: Self-limiting thoughts, prosperity

Health Issues: Reproductive organs, hips, lower abdomen, spleen, kidneys & prostate.

g) Root Chakra (Base of the spin)

Colour: Red

Association: Insecurities, fear, anger.

Health Issues: Bladder, colon & adrenal glands. It is also linked to spine and lower back area. Supports functions related to blood, bone, and immune system.

Chakra Diagnosis and Healing:

Chakras are the energy centers to which spiritual energy begins to flow into the body. People who are practicing chakra healing will develop awareness by releasing the blocks to increase the flow of energy directly into these energy centers. Mostly chakras get blocked due to emotional problems. Healing can be done with the help of following techniques:

• Reiki

• Colour Therapy

• Yogic Method

• Aromatherapy

• Crystal & Gemstone

These healing techniques help to bring balance between the human energy fields (Aura) and energy centers (Chakras) to create conditions needed for the bodies healing system to function. It helps in the healing of body both physically, mentally and spiritually.

Contributed by: Jyoti Mishra