Chakras and Related Ailments -

Chakras and Related Ailments

There are seven chakras in our body from the root of the spine to the top of the head. Every chakra (except Root and Crown chakra) has two portions a) front and b) back. These portions serve their corresponding parts. Front portion of the chakra is accessed from the front of the body; back portion of chakra is accessed from back of the body. 


1) Mooladhara Chakra (Root or Base chakra): It is located at the base of the spine. It is also called as Root or Base Chakra. Persons with weak Root Chakra tend to be weak and drained of vitality.

Physical Organs controlled: 

a) Muscular and skeleton system 

b) Spine 

c) Adrenal glands

d) The production and quality of blood

e) Body heat

f) General vitality 

g) Growth of children 

h) Adrenal glands 

i) Kidneys 

Mental aspects governed:

a) Self protection

b) Survival Instinct 

c) Fear

d) Insecurity

Diseases due to malfunctioning of this chakra:

a) Arthritis 

b) Special ailments 

c) Blood ailments 

d) Cancer (Bone Cancer, Leukemia)

e) Allergy

f) Growth problem

g) Low vitality 

h) Slow healing of wounds and broken bones

2) Swadhisthana Chakra (Sacral or Sexual chakra): It is located near sacrum or pubic area and slightly below navel. Due to malfunctioning of this chakra one can suffer from sex-related diseases, high B. P., backache, kidney problems and constipation etc.

Physical Organs controlled: 

a) Sex glands (ovaries, testicles)

b) Sexual organs

c) Kidneys

d) Adrenal glands 

e) Lower parts of liver, pancreas, spleen and intestines

f) Bladder

g) Uterus 

Mental aspects governed:

a) Desire and craving for sexual and other sensual pleasures 

b) Feeling of guilt, hurt and frustration

Diseases due to malfunctioning of chakra:

a) Sex-related problems 

b) High blood pressure 

c) Back problems 

d) Kidney problems 

e) Bladder ailments

f) Constipation 

3) Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus chakra): It is located slightly above the navel and below the ribs. Due to malfunctioning of this chakra one can suffer from digestive disorders, skin problems, heart problems, asthma etc.

Physical Organs controlled:

a) Stomach

b) Intestines

c) Spleen

d) Gall Bladder 

e) Diaphragm

f) To some degree adrenal glands, heart, lungs

g) Liver

h) Pancreas

Mental aspects governed:

a) Ego, craving for name, fame, status, power control 

b) High ambitions, aggressiveness

c) Negative emotions like anger, jealousy, envy, hatred, greed, violence and cruelty

Diseases due to malfunctioning of chakra:

a) Digestive disorders 

b) Ulcer

c) Constipation 

d) Diabetes

e) Hepatitis 

f) Jaundice 

g) Colitis and Diarrhea

h) Skin problems and allergies 

i) Heart problems and High blood pressure

j) Asthma

4) Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra): It is located in the centre of the chest, at the height of the heart. Malfunctioning of this chakra can cause heart and circulatory ailments, lung ailments and many more problems.

Physical organs controlled:

a) Heart 

b) Lungs

c) Thymus gland

d) Circulatory system

Mental aspects governed:

a) Love and compassion 

b) Centre of higher and refined emotions 

Diseases due to malfunctioning of Chakra:

a) Heart and circulating ailments 

b) Lung ailments (Bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis)

c) Breast-related diseases 

5) Vishudha Chakra (Throat chakra): It is located in the hollow of the throat. Due to malfunctioning of this chakra one can suffer from throat related diseases.

Physical organs controlled:

a) Throat 

b) Voice box (Larynx)

c) Air tube (Trachea)

d) Thyroid and Parathyroid glands

e) Lymphatic system

f) Arms, hands

g) Mouth, tongue

h) Neck

Mental aspects governed:

a) Communication

b) Speech, self expressions

c) Creativity (musical and artistic talents etc.)

Diseases due to malfunctioning of chakra: 

a) Goitre

b) Sore throat

c) Speech or voice problems

d) Tonsillitis

e) Cervical pain  

6) Ajna Chakra (Third eye chakra): It is located between the eyebrows. Due to the malfunctioning of this chakra one can suffer from diseases related to endocrine glands, nervous system, sense organs etc.

Physical organs controlled:

a) Hypothalamus 

b) Pituitary and other endocrine glands 

c) Automatic nervous system and lower brain 

d) Left eye

e) Ears

f) Nose

Mental aspects governed:

a) Intuition 

b) Intellect 

c) Occult powers

d) E.S.P. (e.g. Clairvoyance, telepathy etc.)

Diseases due to malfunctioning of chakra:

a) Diseases related to endocrine glands

b) Diseases related to Automatic Nervous System (A.N.S.) and lower brain

c) Diseases related to sight, hearing and smell and high blood pressure.

d) Sinusitis, swollen adenoids 

7) Sahasrar Chakra (Crown chakra): It is located at the top of one’s head. Due to malfunctioning of this chakra one can suffer from diseases related to Pineal gland and the Cerebral cortex.

Physical organs controlled:

a) Pineal gland

b) Upper or higher brain 

c) Right eye

Mental aspects governed:

a) Cosmic consciousness 

b) Self-realization 

Diseases due to malfunctioning of chakra:

a) Diseases related to pineal gland and the cerebral cortex

Written by: Anand Sagar Pathak